In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of the best professional translation programs that help keep us up to speed with the latest technology and look at the advantages of these programs compared to others used by professional translation companies like us.
What do Professional Translation Programs Provide?
Professional Translation Programs are either supported by the data provided by the translation agencies or by CAT Tools (Computer Assisted Translation). Thanks to these programs, translators can produce more consistent texts while managing time efficiently. This benefits the customer as well. By using these programs, translation companies can take on a heavier workload and devote more time to editing and proofreading.
Recommendations on Professional Translation Programs
We will recommend a few of our preferred professional translation programs. Briefly introducing just three of these programs is a good introduction as there are far too many to include in a short article, and the way they work is generally the same.
SDL Trados Studio – MultiTerm – SDL Passolo Essential
One compact translation program that allows you to complete the entire translation process is SDL Trados Studio. With this program, you can either create your own terminology or use its machine translation during the translation process. It even allows you to do software localization. It was introduced in 1984 by Jochen Hummel and Iko Kynhausen as a language service provider. MultiTerm and SDL Passolo Essential are two fantastic programs that can be integrated into it. MultiTerm assists you with terminology, while SDL Passolo Essential provides visual software localization service. It is also worth noting that Microsoft prefers to work with SDL Trados Studio for its in-house localization needs. SDL Trados Studio has a 30-day demo version available on their website. You can download it immediately to experience one of the reliable, professional translation service programs.
If communication and crowdsourcing are your focus, then ProZ might be a good choice. With the largest translator network in the world, ProZ works like a portal where translators learn from each other by asking questions via the platform. When we think about professional translation programs, we consider not only the translation applications but also the applications or services that allow us to build up a translator network. The exchange of ideas is essential because the act of translation is a process that benefits from a fresh pair of eyes. You can also pursue a translation job on ProZ and expand your network. However, premium membership is required if you would like to use the other features of this program.
MemoQ is a popular program preferred primarily by freelance translators. It allows you to reuse previously translated terms and phrases, ensuring the consistency of the terminology. It also has a 30-day demo version available on its website.
Just a quick reminder: Utility programs facilitate the translation process, but although the final version of the translation work seems more consistent, reliable, etc., professional translators should spend more time verifying the reliability of the information and the research. As a professional translation agency, that’s how we work!