
Category: Translation Technology

3 Reasons Machine Translation Keeps Failing You

Have you ever been browsing a website and thought to yourself “this makes no sense” or “why would I ever…”? The reason for this could be the use of a machine translation service. Machine translation services can be useful in…

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Is the translation profession facing extinction?

Translation is evolving as a profession. Machine translation tools play a significant role in the translation process. As translators, we must accept that MT tools are our allies and not our enemies. If you are a translator or a student…

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Professional Translation Programs

In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of the best professional translation programs that help keep us up to speed with the latest technology and look at the advantages of these programs compared to others used by professional translation…

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5 Best Translation Management Systems

With the rapid technological advancement in the last two decades, the opportunity for projecting and expanding local businesses in the global markets has increased exponentially. Today, even websites like Amazon are catering to more than 200 countries and are actively…

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Machine translation

Machine vs. Human Translation

Technology improves every day and whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) will replace human labor is a long-debated issue. Translation is among the professions threatened by the development of artificial intelligence since AI is being used to translate from one language to…

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What is Machine Translation? What are the Strategic Advantages and Disadvantages?

Machine translation, or MT, is the process by which a text to be translated is translated by computer software developed for the translation process.

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The Future Of Translation

Diyalektik felsefenin kurucu isimlerinden biri olan Heraklitos, “değişmeyen tek şey değişimin kendisidir.” der.  Milattan önce üçüncü yüzyılda, Anadolu toprakları üzerinde...

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