
Category: Translation

Mission Impossible: Translating Poetry

Humankind has used various forms of art for centuries to express their feelings and thoughts: painting, music, literature. People also turn to poetry to express their feelings; however, at first glance, a poem appears as a solid structure formed by…

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Let’s Open Up to the World in the Gaming Industry

What we call translation doesn’t mean just expressing the text in the target language. While translating, we need to take many factors into account. The target audience of the translated source text and the geography of the intended market are…

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What Exactly is A Quality Translation Service?

Quality translation is a popular term nowadays. Well, what is a quality translation? In the most general sense, we can say that a quality translation service is one that delivers the required interpretation or translation in accordance with the customer’s demands.…

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Translators Who Translate English-Turkish Do Not Know Turkish!

What does this title say?! Yes, you heard it right! Many people translate English to Turkish in Turkey; however, few of them actually read in Turkish. The more you read, the more you know! Learning can be unintentional, and we…

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The Tower of Babel and Translation Studies

The people of Babylon, who lived in wealth and prosperity in Mesopotamia centuries ago, started to build a tower to reach God and rebel. The construction of this tower took years. Then, one night, a miracle happened, and each Babylonian…

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Modern Hebrew and Translation

When you read the title, you may wonder, “What is modern Hebrew anyway?” The history of this language, which we often refer to simply as Hebrew, actually goes back quite a bit and has an important place in history. Hebrew…

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How Can You Be Sure You’re Getting the Best Translation Service?

When searching for translation services, you have many options, and it is essential to look for quality rather than quantity. When it comes to the best translation, be aware that many details are involved in this process. The company you…

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A Brief Conversation On German Translation

Based on the motto “Consult one even if you know well,” we wanted to ask a translator friend who graduated from the German translation department before writing about it. Ezgi Yıldız graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Turkish-English-German Translation. Much has…

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Why Should You Get English Turkish Translation Service?

Globalization is gaining momentum day by day, and as a result, the world is becoming a smaller place where more people can communicate with each other. Thanks to the internet, all things on our planet have transcended physical boundaries and…

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The Importance of Game Translation

The gaming industry, one of the few sectors not adversely affected by Covid-19, continues to develop rapidly worldwide. Thanks to this growth and its extensive market, the demand for game translation services is also increasing. Game translation services include a…

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