
Category: Translation

Turkish – Persian Translation

Languages are a vital tool for conveying past events to the present, and if history and language are thought of independently, one of them will be missing a crucial piece. We begin our article, Turkish – Persian Translation, with a bit…

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The Effect of the Alphabet in Russian Translation

Despite the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the rapid disintegration and “independence” of the countries affiliated with the Soviet Union, Russian is still spoken by more than 250 million people in 18 countries around the world. Russian…

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Is There Such a Thing as the Best Translation?

Describing the act of translation as good or bad is like passing at a green light and stopping at a red light. Translation has an artistic structure that should be criticized and analyzed by concrete data. Simply describing a translated text as…

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Simultaneous Interpretation

Imagine you are at a conference and a foreign speaker is on stage; moreover, they give a lot of information, including technical terms in their speech. You do not know the speaker’s language well enough to understand an entire medical…

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From Translation Competence to Digital Literacy

Digital literacy has become an indispensable competence of our digital age with the digitalization period which started in the 1950s. Especially if you are a translator, researcher, academician, or a cyborg, there is no escaping it. The Covid-19 outbreak has…

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What is the Situation of Laz Translation Today?

What is the Situation of Laz Translation Today?

Before we start talking about Laz translation, it is important to note that Laz is not a dialect but a native language of the South Caucasian language family. Laz is spoken in Rize’s Pazar, Ardeşen, Çamlıhemşin and Fındıklı districts located in…

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Website Translation

Website Translation

As a result of globalization, the world is becoming a smaller place every day. Now any information, any location, or even any product is just a click away. In other words, the internet and technology are changing daily life and…

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History of Turkish Translation

History of Turkish Translation

Translation helps different cultures learn about each other, and it plays a major role in accelerating the exchange of literary works and scientific studies. Turkish translation is also essential for Turkish culture in this sense, and its history dates back to the…

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A Notarized Translation

What is Notarized Translation?

There are many fields in which translators practice their profession, and this diversity might be confusing for those unfamiliar with the translation world. One of the most misunderstood translation types is notarized translation, as it is often confused with sworn translation.…

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English to Turkish Image Translation Technology

Nowadays, machine translation is improving rapidly. Image translation technology, which machine translation has focused on in recent years, offers users a practical translation method. The foundations of image translation technology were laid in 2003, and it has progressed exponentially since…

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