
Category: Translation

What About a Translation Service, Could It Be The Route for You?

Finding a company that claims to be a translation service is simple. We have thousands of them available in the market today, and they are not all the same. Just think about it. What makes one translation service better than…

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What Is Transcreation And Why Does It Matter?

Have you ever heard the phrase "transcreation" and wondered what it was? Or did you just know that it exists and want to find out more? Well, we will fill in all the details for you today. What is transcreation…

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The Top 3 Benefits of Working with a Translation Company that Owns ISO 9001:2015

The translation industry has always been one of those that have been hard to pin down although it provides services that almost everyone benefits from. But the truth is, translation is a massive part of the world economy, and there…

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5 Signs That You Need Video Game Localization

Your video game is a work of art—or at least that is how you think of it. You poured your heart and soul into making it. However, there is one problem: not everyone in the world can play it. Wouldn't…

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Why Subtitles Matter In Visual Experience

Subtitles are one of the most important elements of a visual experience. They can make or break an audience's ability to understand and enjoy a film, game, or TV show. We'll explore subtitling and why it is important in today's…

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Common Misconceptions about the Translation Industry

This high-speed world we live in is changing and transforming daily; of course, the translation world takes its share of these changes. We are going through interesting times in the translation industry. In the past, knowing a foreign language was…

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Transcription, Not Your First Time Hearing It

When you enter the world of translation, you will see it has many branches. Before starting the translation process, many actions are carried out on a project basis and in line with the customer's request. Transcription, also known as deciphering,…

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Breaking Down the Art of Translation

As technology has evolved, translation services have found a way to become more accurate, reliable, and accessible. But how do they work? What's the breakdown of how these services function? In today's blog post, we'll explain some of the basics…

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Is It Localization or Internationalization?

If your business is ready to go global, you may be wondering what the difference is between localization and internationalization. Both of the processes help prepare businesses for success abroad by localizing and translating content into other languages, but that's…

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3 Reasons Machine Translation Keeps Failing You

Have you ever been browsing a website and thought to yourself “this makes no sense” or “why would I ever…”? The reason for this could be the use of a machine translation service. Machine translation services can be useful in…

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