
Category: Other

7 Awesome Things About Translators No One Ever Told You

Translators are awesome, and we love them. That's why we've compiled a list of fun facts about translators that you may not have heard before. 1. They know a little about everything and a lot about some things Translators are…

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World Translation Day – A World Without Barriers

Did you know there are more than 7,000 languages spoken all over the world? It's important to remember that many languages also have different dialects. Here, the translation profession contributes to the communication of people who speak different languages and…

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Attention University Candidates Registering for an English-Turkish Translation Department!

It's college preference time! First, congratulations to all of you. This period can be very stressful for young people. Not to mention the fact that everyone wants to give you their advice! In such a crucial period, we wanted to…

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How did I go grey at twenty-three while translating a book?

You opened the cover, glanced at the title, and turned it over to see what the book was about. Then you grabbed a pen or opened a Word file and began to translate. You failed on the very first step. Translating…

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Why Do We Need English Translation All Over The World?

Have you ever thought about why English translation has been so popular for so long? English is the language of global business. Translation helps us to convey our thoughts across the globe. Let’s delve deep into the sea of English translation! The…

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Turkish Short Stories in The World Of English Translation

No matter how old you are, reading a short story is entertaining. If you think about short stories, how many of you are familiar with the most important Turkish short story writers, and how many of you have read some of their…

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Mission Impossible: Translating Poetry

Humankind has used various forms of art for centuries to express their feelings and thoughts: painting, music, literature. People also turn to poetry to express their feelings; however, at first glance, a poem appears as a solid structure formed by…

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Translators Who Translate English-Turkish Do Not Know Turkish!

What does this title say?! Yes, you heard it right! Many people translate English to Turkish in Turkey; however, few of them actually read in Turkish. The more you read, the more you know! Learning can be unintentional, and we…

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The Tower of Babel and Translation Studies

The people of Babylon, who lived in wealth and prosperity in Mesopotamia centuries ago, started to build a tower to reach God and rebel. The construction of this tower took years. Then, one night, a miracle happened, and each Babylonian…

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A Brief Conversation On German Translation

Based on the motto “Consult one even if you know well,” we wanted to ask a translator friend who graduated from the German translation department before writing about it. Ezgi Yıldız graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Turkish-English-German Translation. Much has…

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