
Category: Other

From Translation Competence to Digital Literacy

Digital literacy has become an indispensable competence of our digital age with the digitalization period which started in the 1950s. Especially if you are a translator, researcher, academician, or a cyborg, there is no escaping it. The Covid-19 outbreak has…

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What is the Situation of Laz Translation Today?

What is the Situation of Laz Translation Today?

Before we start talking about Laz translation, it is important to note that Laz is not a dialect but a native language of the South Caucasian language family. Laz is spoken in Rize’s Pazar, Ardeşen, Çamlıhemşin and Fındıklı districts located in…

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Covid19 mirora

The Relationship Between Covid-19 and Translation

The Covid-19 virus has affected the whole world, and the resulting long quarantine periods have affected many lines of business, including the translation industry. In this long ongoing period in which the entire world has been dealing with serious health…

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Turkish has become one of the cheapest languages in the world! Who is to blame?

For two decades, as a partner in a translation company that has acquired clients and suppliers from all corners of the world, from Korea to Canada, from South Africa to Finland...

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A Long PYS Story

PYS, which stands for "Project Management System", has been used in translation organizations for a long time and we, as Mirora company, are also...

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International Translation Day

At the beginning of September, we made a questionnaire among our translators and asked them to answer as they wished. We’re sharing with you some of the answers from our beloved translators with their permission. You may also join this…

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