
Definitions of the Products and Services

Mirora QMS scope Definition of Products and Services, summary information of related processes, success criteria, evaluation methods and acceptance criteria.

Definitions, success and acceptance criteria and evaluation methods of the Products and Services in the scope of Mirora QMS.

Translation: Other than a language
a language by reflecting all the formal and semantic features of the source text.
accurate, complete, coherent, coherent, fluent, taking into account the characteristics of the target language and culture
as translation into the target language
The translator will target the entire text according to the instructions and rules written in the PO.

the following issues as criteria for success and acceptance of the target text
must be checked before delivery:

On Time Delivery

2. Spelling


4. Term
Adapt to Lists and Memories

5. Target
completeness of text

6. File
names and format

7. Source
notes, comments, explanations that are not in the text but inadvertently added to the target text
or reductions

Page 8
preservation of design, fonts or other features of the source text

Meeting the expectations of the customer, target audience, and culture, e.g.
Correct transfer of the local metric system, etc.


Redaction: Translated from
the text is compared one-to-one with the source text and necessary changes and
corrections are made by a second translator.

As the success and acceptance criteria of the process, the above mentioned issues
must be checked by a second translator before submission.


Last Reading: Translated from
a text is compared with the source text when necessary and necessary changes are made
and making corrections.

Reader, when necessary by comparing it with the source text
checks the translation and makes corrections if necessary. Common grammar,
Errors in spelling, terminology, format, style, etc. should be submitted in a separate file or in the submission
in the text of the correspondence. Success and acceptance of the proofreading process
the above issues as criteria and in addition style and fluency Target
must be checked before the text is submitted.


Review: Translated from
a text can be compared with the source text when necessary to identify incomplete or inaccurate texts.
an overall evaluation of the parts and the whole text, and

From the eye
the translator does not make corrections or changes to the target text; he/she does not
part of the book, and any errors in grammar, spelling, terminology, format, style, etc. are examined.
in a separate file or in the text of the submission correspondence, or PO or
organizes the LQA form as specified. The success of the review process and
The admission criteria are written on the LQA form or PO.


Quality Control (QA): Comparison of a translated text with the source text
where necessary, it can be compared and corrected missing or incorrect parts and the text.
an overall assessment of the entire job assignment process and the
is graded according to criteria.

Post-editing after machine translation:

  • Tam
    Producing an acceptable target text after machine translation
    and the corrections made by the proofreader for the
    is the process of correction/education. The formal features of the text are also targeted
    reflected in the text.
  • Fast
    Producing a comprehensible target text after machine translation
    is the process of correction by the proofreader.


Scanning: Best OCR result
printed documents of sufficient quality, preferably at 600dpi resolution


OCR: Optical Character Recognition, Abby FineReader etc.
from non-overwritable file types to overwritable file types
transfer process to their type. Unless otherwise specified in the Job Assignment Forms
source texts are transferred to MS Word file by preserving all formal features.
will be transferred.

Layout: Translation and/or editing or other processes
page numbers of the page design of the source file before and/or after
including their location and all other stylistic features.
is to do it again in the target file. Software to use Job Assignment
It will be indicated separately on their jerseys.

Final Check: Editing and/or proofreading and/or layout
files made by the page designer, especially the layout.
properties are checked against the source file and
corrections and amendments are implemented if necessary.

Terminology List: Mirora, Mirora's customer or a 3rd party may use a special
a project or a series of translation projects prepared for a commonly used or
the use of domain-specific words or phrases in the source and target languages
are lists of their equivalents.

Translation Memory: Written above
memories produced with Computer Assisted Translation software of one kind or another,
paired bilingual files.


  • Mirora
    Project Manager defines product acceptance requirements and success criteria
    evaluates and decides whether to refer the product to the next process
    gives. Within the framework of Miora's instructions and general rules, the following
    If any one of the criteria is not met, the PM will inform the translator of the necessary
    to make changes and corrections, to eliminate deficiencies or
    can also restart the necessary processes using different MDTs.


General Rules:

  • File
    File names should not be changed unless otherwise specified by the customer or Mirora.
  • Terminology
    Compliance Form
    When in doubt about terms, the "Term Approval Form"
    will be used.
  • Privacy: In correspondence or
    all source and target texts, whether or not written in the files, reference
    files and other materials are CONFIDENTIAL.
  • Approval: Terms and conditions,
    objections to prices, quantities, delivery dates, etc.
    please notify the relevant Mirora Project Manager as soon as possible,
    otherwise Mirora records will be deemed accepted.



Translation: Transferring fully, accurately and fluently, the meaning of a text written in one language to another language by successfully reflecting all the format and contextual characteristics of the original text.

Translator should translate the whole document into target language as per the rules and conditions written on the PO.

Below items to be checked before delivering the target text(s) as the criteria of the success of Translation process:

1. On time Delivery

2. Spelling

3. Accuracy

4. Consistency of the terminology and the translation memory

5. Completeness of the target text

6. File names and format

7. Checking erroneously added to the target text any note, comment or explanation not found in the source file and omissions to the target text

8. Protecting page design, fonts and any other similar characteristics of the source file.

9. Meeting the expectations of the customer, target audience and its culture; such as local metric systems etc.


Editing: Comparing a translated text with the original one sentence by sentence, and doing necessary corrections and changes by a second translator.
Above items to be checked by a second translator before delivering the target text(s) as the criteria of the success of the Editing process.

Proofreading: Comparing a translated text with the original one, if necessary sentence by sentence, and doing necessary corrections and changes.

Proofreader should check and correct the target text if necessary comparing with the original text. Typical grammar, spelling, terminology, format, style, etc. errors be reported in a separate file or in the delivery message. Above items and additionally style and fluency to be checked before delivering the target text(s) as the criteria of the success of the proofreading process.


Review: Reading a translated text and comparing it with the original if and when necessary, evaluating the translated text as a whole and reporting incorrect or incomplete parts (if any).

The reviewer should just read predetermined parts of the target text, and not change or correct the errors, but he/she should report typical grammar, spelling, terminology, format errors in a separate file or fill the LQA form as per PO instructions. The criteria of the success of review process are written in the PO or in the LQA form.


Quality Assessment (QA): Reading a translated text and comparing it with the original if and when necessary, evaluating the translated text as a whole, and rating the translation based on the standards indicated on the Work Assignment Form.


  • Full Post-editing: FPE is the process whereby translators amend machine-generated translation to achieve an acceptable final product, including training/calibration of MT and aims at making it also stylistically appropriate.
  • Light Post-editing: LPE is the process translators amend MT-generated translation to achieve an understandable text.


Scanning: Scanning printed documents at a sufficient quality to obtain the best OCR result, preferably at 600 dpi resolution.

OCR: Optical Character Recognition is the process of converting from non-editable file types to editable file types using software such as Abby Fine Reader etc. Unless stated otherwise on the Work Assignment Forms, source texts shall be transferred to MS Word file preserving all formatting properties.

Page setting: Reapplying the source document's page design, page numbers and locations including all other formatting properties identically to the target document before and/or after the translation and/or editing or other processes. The software to be used shall be specifically stated on Work Assignment Forms.

Final Check: Checking the files the editing and/or proofreading and/or page setting of which has been completed, by comparing the page setting properties in particular with the source document and applying correction and amendments if necessary by the page designer.

Terminology List: Lists containing the frequently used or subject-specific words and groups of words in the source and target languages, prepared by Mirora, Mirora's customer or third parties for a specific project or a series of translation projects.

Translation Memory: Memory generated by Computer Aided Translation software such as those mentioned above, matched bilingual files.       

  • Mirora Project Manager evaluates below criteria and will determine whether to release the product for the next processes. If any of the above mentioned definitions and criteria does not meet Mirora instructions & rules, PM makes the translator correct/fix/supply all missing criteria accordingly or start the necessary process(es) from scratch with the same or different TSS.


General Rules:

  • File names: Unless otherwise instructed by Mirora or her client, file names MUST NOT be changed.
  • Using Term Approval form: In case of any doubts about the terms, "Term Approval Form" should be used
  • Confidentiality: All source, target and reference files and materials are strictly CONFIDENTIAL even if it is not said so on the files.
  • Confirmation: If you have objections to the terms, conditions, prices, quantities, delivery dates, other information etc., warn related Mirora Project Manager as soon as possible; otherwise Mirora records are deemed to be accepted.




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