
Category: Translation

The Character is History!

When Getting a Translation Quote, Look at the Word, Not the Character The best advice for those purchasing translation services is to look at characters, lines, pages, etc. ....

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Turkish has become one of the cheapest languages in the world! Who is to blame?

For two decades, as a partner in a translation company that has acquired clients and suppliers from all corners of the world, from Korea to Canada, from South Africa to Finland...

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A Long PYS Story

PYS, which stands for "Project Management System", has been used in translation organizations for a long time and we, as Mirora company, are also...

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Difficulties Of Medical Translation

Let’s start understanding with some questions. How hard it is to translate in specific fields? How much does one need to work to have experience, to be a specialist translator in those fields? Can a translator specialize in every field?…

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The Future Of Translation

Diyalektik felsefenin kurucu isimlerinden biri olan Heraklitos, “değişmeyen tek şey değişimin kendisidir.” der.  Milattan önce üçüncü yüzyılda, Anadolu toprakları üzerinde...

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Medical Translation in the Modern Medical World

The health sector is known as one of the most important and costly sectors in the world. Governments should ensure that their citizens have access to health services when they need them.

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International Translation Day

At the beginning of September, we made a questionnaire among our translators and asked them to answer as they wished. We’re sharing with you some of the answers from our beloved translators with their permission. You may also join this…

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Translation Services, Earn While You Buy!

In 2018, in our twenty-first year, we shared our twenty-one recommendations one by one on social media. We compiled and summarized these recommendations and...

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