
Marketing Translation

Marketing is the name given to all of the strategies that enable products or services to be delivered to consumers in line with their requests and requirements. Areas of specialization such as public relations and advertising are utilized for the consumer to establish a connection with the manufacturer. Every company that serves in multiple countries and aims to introduce its products to other markets needs marketing translation service.

Global brands in particular need assistance in translating and localizing their content. Marketing texts translated accurately come back as added value to the company or entity. For this reason, just like in other fields, marketing translation can achieve its real goals when it is performed by senior translators. In the further sections of this article, we will consider marketing translation, which falls within Mirora’s area of expertise, in a little more detail.

Characteristics of Marketing Translation

  • The goal of a marketing text is strong delivery of the source message. Thus, the target audience can be motivated as necessary.
  • Marketing texts reflect corporate values and culture. Therefore, these values should also be reflected during their translation in the target language.
  • Adapting marketing texts to multiple languages is quite a difficult process. It requires mastering the cultural codes of the country where the target language is spoken.
  • In marketing texts, a word-for-word or verbatim translation is not acceptable. Such translations can negatively affect the image of the brand. In brief, it is important not only to translate the text in accordance with the original, but also to transcreate it creatively. In other words, such translations are called creative translation in the industry.
  • When handling marketing translations, it is vital to be familiar with the target audience.
  • Marketing translation is not only a technical job, but also a mental process.
  • With regard to the translation of marketing texts, it is essential to pay attention not only to preferred words, but also to the style used.

Points to Consider in Marketing Translation

When carrying out marketing translation, there are so many different points to be considered. First of all, it is necessary to filter out humorous matters in the source language content with caution. What is funny in one culture may not be amusing in another language or culture. For this reason, the translator should adjust the level of humorous topics accordingly. Another factor worth noting is that the word games, repetitions and rhyming words used in the advertising text are exactly and accurately transferred to the target language.

The translator should think interculturally and use idiomatic language at this point. The direction of the text and the images used are also highly important, especially in languages such as Arabic and Chinese. Consequently, it is necessary to make sure that the preferred colors and images in the marketing text are appropriate for the cultural environment of that language. Not all colors may be accepted the same in every culture.

Mirora, which holds a prominent role through its superior quality services, creative team and standardized project processes, also offers marketing translation services. If you would like to receive information about marketing translation, you may contact us through various communication channels.


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